Please welcome my good friend, the talented C. Streetlights, author of two memoirs, Tea and Madness, and the newly released Black Sheep, Rising, who joins us to explain how to get through that horrible virus known as “writer’s block.” When you know that an unknown audience will potentially read your writing, inspiration can suddenly shut down. I only have… Read More
Practical Tips: How to Avoid Misusing Some Common Words and Phrases
As an editor, I see a lot of words and phrases misspelled and/or misused. Often this is due simply to one letter (or number) difference and the misspelling makes for an amusing read. Such as when someone intends to say, “I made a complete 180 degree change in my life,” and instead they say, “I made a complete 360 degree… Read More
Mind You’re Grammar – Part Deux (II)
Okay, my lovelies, it’s time for another “episode” of Mind You’re Your Grammar, from your indulgent “Grammar Nazi”! 🙂 An apostrophe does not plurality – or possessive – make. I addressed this briefly in Mind You’re Grammar, but it needs more emphasis, I think. In MOST instances, an apostrophe indicates possession or contraction: Wendy’s opinion (possession); They’ve almost arrived (contraction… Read More
Mind You’re Grammar
Did I grab you’re your attention? I’m willing to bet that my fellow “Grammar Nazis” honed in on that title like lasers, virtual red pens at the ready to poke holes in my post. Well, GNs can relax. The rest of you, though, this post is for you. Yes, those of you who read that title and didn’t see anything… Read More